Academic Enrichment
ABC's Annual Contests

This contest is conducted annually for all of ABC's registered families with Elementary, Middle and High School Students that are excelling academically. The Middle and High School Students that qualify to enter this contest are students that currently have a GPA of 3.0 or Higher. Elementary Students must have an outstanding Progress Report. Parent or Guardian must provide proof of GPA and/or Progress Report to the admissions department. Additional rules will apply.
Contest Winner(s) will receive a paid trip to either:
(Subject to Change)
Knott's Berry Farm
Magic Mountain
San Diego County Fair
San Diego Safari Park
San Diego Zoo
SeaWorld San Diego
Universal Studios (Hollywood)
And More
Senior Prom Contest
This contest is conducted annually for our registered families with High School Seniors that are excelling academically. The students that qualify to enter this contest are students that currently have a GPA of 3.0 or Higher. A typed essay of at least 500 words must be submitted with contest registration. Essay must include why he or she feels they should win the contest, their immediate plans after high school and their long term goals. Parent or Guardian must provide proof of GPA to the admissions department. Additional rules may apply.
Contest Winner(s) will receive a variation of the following services: (Subject to Change)
Prom Attire
Personal Image Stylist
Hair Stylist
Make-up Artist
Spa Services
Transportation in Style
Gift Card
Programs available to families with students in Kindergarten:
School Supplies
Book, Clothes, Food, and Toy Drives
Elementary Grade School (1st-5th)
Programs available to Elementary are:
Book Clubs
Book, Clothes, Food, and Toy Drives
Elementary Grade School Contest
Extracurricular Activities
One on One Tutoring Services
School Supplies
Middle School (6th-8th)
Programs available to Middle School are:
Mentorship Program
Book Clubs
End of the School Year Contest
Extracurricular Activities
One on One Tutoring Services
School Supplies
Book, Clothes, Food, and Toy Drives
High School (9th-12th)
Programs available to High School are:
Mentorship Program
Book Clubs
End of the School Year Contest
Extracurricular Activities
One on One Tutoring Services
School Supplies
Book, Clothes, Food, and Toy Drives
Senior Prom Contest
End of the School Year Contest
ABC's Support Services
Only certain programs are available to one or more age groups. Please carefully read our list below. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Admissions Department.